Zone One: East Meadow

by | Oct 2, 2023 | Native Plants, The Land

To help me keep organized, I’ve separated my 2+ acres into five zones: 1)  East Meadow, 2) The Interface, 3) The Work Zone, 4) The West Meadow, and 5) The Woods. Here are a few photos from Zone One: East Meadow. This zone is dedicated to native flowers, grasses, and trees.

These photos show my progress from the lawn it was in 2021:

A large green lawn with a temporary dog kennel in the foreground. Maple trees dot the lawn.

Looking east from the Interface. The freshly mowed lawn days after we moved. The dog kennel was temporary until the permanent fencing was up in Zone Two.


A meadow in foreground, trees lit by afternoon sun in background.

Looking east from the Interface. The young meadow in its first summer.

I wasn’t expecting many blooms the first summer, since I’d seeded rather than planted the meadow the previous fall (2022). I am delighted that I’ve identified many flowers and grasses already! Here are a few.

Close up of black-eyed susans in green meadow.

Rudbeckia hirta, a species of coneflower

The black-eyed susans are the most prolific in the meadow this summer and fall. I have dozens of blooms which will go to seed. Next year I should be able to give some young plants away.

white yarrow blossoms with morning dew

Achillea millefolium, white yarrow

Since yarrow is our signature flower here at Whimsy Farm, I’m thrilled to see hundreds of young plants this summer. Most will not bloom this year. Here’s one that did.

budding bee balm in meadow

Monarda punctata

Spotted beebalm, one of the species of Bergamot growing in the meadow. Here’s another:

wild bergamot in the meadow

Monarda fistulosa–wild Bergamot

I’ll post more species of wildflowers and grasses soon!  Thanks for joining me on this journey.

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